Fan girl gifs that are similar to Gifs that describe your school experience .

Hello bookish pals!

For many, school is right around the corner.

For others school has already started.

Here are some Gif’s/ memes that don’t only perfectly describe your fan girl experience, but also describe your school year experience.

Here we go!

(p.s this list is for all the petty people out there lol)


When someone you don’t like tries to talk to you/ When someone tries to talk to you while you are reading :

There is nothing more annoying than  when someone you don’t like tries to  initiate in a conversation with you . Even worse is when someone interrupts you while you are obviously occupied with a book. Especially since books are basically ‘Do not disturb signs’ .


When someone reminds the teacher of the homework they forgot about/when someone reminds you the next book isn’t coming out until next year:

Nuff said.


When you hear that the teacher  you don’t like get’s an injury and will be out for a week or two/ when your least fave character dies:

Let’s face it, sometimes we just can’t help being sarcastic when something bad happens to the ones we least like.


When someone says something ignorant in class/ when people who haven’t read the book act like they know it all because they watched the movie:

Know it all’s are bad enough. Know it all’s who actually don’t know anything? Are the worst.


“Take out your summer assignments”/ when the author throws in a plot twist at the end of the book:

Surprises are not my favorite things in the world.


When the teacher calls on you when you weren’t even raising your hand/ when you are looking through the comment section  and see a spoiler you weren’t prepared f0r:

This image says it all.

Remember that thing I said about surprises?


‘Can I get some gum?’/ ‘Can I borrow that book?’:

No. Just no.


When upperclassmen act all tough/ when a veteran to the fandom looks down on newbies:

Why, just why?

Just mind your own business and go on with your lives. Don’t have to be mean just because someone is less experienced than you. Plus you don’t look cool, you just look like a jerk. Remember you were once ‘fresh meat’ too.


Waiting for someone  to answer a question after an eternity/  Waiting for your fave author to finally publish the next book after like 5 years:

Especially when the teacher won’t let anyone but that person answer the question./ Especially when the last book ended in a cliff hanger. #Fml


“I don’t like that attitude young lady”/ “I don’t like the way your bookshelf is organized, I’d like it better if it was organized by color.”

So tell me… where did I ask?

(p.s this is my fave GiF ever because I make this expression a lot.)


When a huge argument breaks out in class/ when there is booktube drama :

Just sit back. Relax. And be the best instigator you possibly can be.


When you had to play those Unnecessary “Get to know each other” ( Head ahh) games on the first day of school:

I know this isn’t  a comparison, but I know we all  hated those ridiculous games. Like, I already know half of these demonic sorcer- er I mean people. I already know ‘three interesting things’ about Johnny. Dang.

( Joke for you: The only type of Pokémon you can catch in the hallway at school is Ekans. {Look it up})


that’s all folks!

Leave a comment down below saying what you hate about school or your fan girl experiences.



GIFs and memes that describe my reading experiences

What’s that? Three posts in a row baby!

Every book reviewer and bibliophile  has that moment when they come across a meme or GIF they can relate to. Here are my top fifteen memes and GIFs that I can relate to any reading/ blogging  experience.

When  you’re describing a book that you really loved to your friends:


When the author introduces the guy love interest and he’s everything:


When you finish reading a book, but it ends up being disappointing:


When the author kills off your favorite character:


When the main character finally figures something out, but you’ve known since the beginning of the book:


When an unwanted love interest keeps trying to be relevant :


When the main mean girl tries to start stuff with your fave character:


When your friends invite you to go out, but you’re too busy updating your blog:


When you find a bomb playlist that goes  well with  your book:


When you didn’t see the plot twist coming:


When you ‘warn’ the main character not to do something and they do it anyway :


when you finish a good book, and you just want more:


When the main characters are savage af #roasted :


Trying to analyze a book :


When you are known as harsh reviewer:




Truth or Dare by Jacqueline Green Review

Two in one day, let’s get it!



“Truth or Dare” by Jacqueline Green is a Young adult mystery book. I saw this book under recommended when I was online shopping at and I decided to give it a try. Quick Summary and here we go…. : Tenley comes back to her old home… Echo Bay! She’s greeted by her best friend since 1st grade Caitlin and the popularity and reputation she left behind. Tenley is known for her parties and the games of Truth or Dare they played at them. Obviously someone remembers the games too, because Tenley starts getting these dares, but the stakes are much higher and the dares are even more outrageous. Tenley isn’t the only one getting dares though, Caitlin the angel and Sydney the loner are too. The darer threatens to spill their darkest secrets– will Tenley, Caitlin, and Sydney do all it takes to keep their secrets hidden?

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

I usually would do the negative parts of the book first and then end with all the positive stuff, but with this book it’s going to be different. I’ll try and put a warning if there will be a spoiler and here we go…

What I thought: I honestly don’t know what I expected from this book. The synopsis sounded  exactly like Pretty Little Liars so I knew I was in for something . Oh, don’t even get me started on how obnoxious these characters were. Oh and the end! What  the flip was that Green? With the help of some of my fave GIFs I’m going to go through everything wrong with this book.


Have you heard of the umm I don’t know  Police??? :


If someone was sending me dares and threatening  to spill all my secrets you best believe I’m dialing  9-1-1 first thing. All could’ve been avoided if they just went to the proper authority, but that’s none of my business.



Tenley and Guinness … just wtf? :



This chic has a crush on her step brother. Like, but why??? She tries to seduce him and make him jealous even though A. He’s her new brother and B. He keeps messing with her. One second he acts all brotherly, the next he’s leaning in for a kiss. Oh, but wait now he’s being brotherly again . Puh-lease .


Tenley is a little brat:


She’s so dramatic and bitchy (excuse my language, but honestly!)! I wasn’t even surprised that someone was messing with her. I’m surprised the whole town wasn’t in  on the dares because she’s so mean to everyone. She literally thinks she’s better than everybody and treats her “friends” (besides Caitlin) like trash. It was so stressful having her as a main character because she got under my skin sooo much.

Me when I was first introduced to Tenley:


Me if I ever went to one of  Tenley’s little parties:


(actual footage of me at school lol )



             ( drops mic )


Whoa I totally didn’t see that coming– Psych! :

Me when I found out who the Darer was.

I predicted who the Darer was at the beginning of the book. Guess what? I was right. The book was so much like PLL it was baffling. Of course the darer was someone the three of them had mistreated and was mentioned randomly in the book. You could say I just went with my gut, but it was more of the clichés and how obvious everything was. I don’t even know if I should bother reading the rest of the series.


Caitlin and Tim. No. Just No.

(by the way this is RiceGum aka the funniest Youtuber ever)

Okay so Tim Holland is this guy that has an obvious crush on Caitlin, but He’s not “her type”. He’s obsessed with surfing and skips first period just to catch the morning waves. He is really persistent and pops out of nowhere so he can ask Caitlin to hang out with him #extremecreep. After swerving him the whole book, she finally gives in and realizes he’s actually a nice guy and makes her… “Feel things” *eye roll*. Their new found love is completely useless because of what happens at the end, but at least Green tried *shrugs shoulders* .

I could go on but… :

I just can’t even understand why I bothered with this book. It was a complete waste of my time. #sorrrynotsorry. This was a bootleg version of Pretty little liars and I regret even picking it up. This book takes more L’s than Meek Mill and Azealia Banks  put together . I’m done here. *Drops mic* Now enjoy some memes and GIFs that describe me during this book.

Do I recommend this book? :


Me starting this book:


Me after reading this book :


How I felt writing this review:


~ don’t hate me Jacqueline 🙂

Blood will tell by April Henry review


Don’t kill me! Ha, see what I did there. In all seriousness though, I’m terribly sorry I haven’t posted a review in so long, and I’m not going to make excuses– I’ll just get into it!

Quick summary:

“Blood will Tell” is a Young Adult, Mystery book written by Author, April Henry. It is also the second book in “A Point Last seen” mystery series. ( I don’t think you have to read them in order, I didn’t.) The story has different Pov’s, but in second from Nick, Ruby, Alexis, and the killer. A quick summary of the plot reads: Nick has always looked up to his father, a soldier who earned a medal for his bravery and who died fighting for their country. He’s always wanted to enlist in the army even though his mother insists he doesn’t, and for some odd reason no one ever mentions his father. He joins SAR (search and rescue) so he can prepare himself for when he joins the military. Along with Nick, two of his friends are also in SAR, for their own  personal reasons. Ruby, who is unusually smart, and Alexis, who likes the fact  that she can help others. One of their assignments is  unusually close to where Nick lives which makes detectives suspect that Nick knows more than he’s letting about the murder of a young woman just a couple blocks away. They also use the fact that he draws violent pictures in his sketch book, owns several knives ( victim was stabbed ), and is in SAR as a reason he may be the killer. Nick knows for sure he didn’t do it, but can he and his friends find enough proof to prove he’s innocent before the police arrest him for the murder of a woman he has never even met before?

Rating: Okay, for a rating I gave this book a 3.7 out of 5 stars.3-half-star

Negatives: Obviously I want to get the bad out of the way before I go into the good stuff. I thought the “romance” was unnecessary . I think Henry was trying to make a love triangle with Nick, Alexis and Bran, but Alexis was obviously not into Nick at all and Bran just gave her the cold shoulder anytime he was mentioned. Near the end we find out why, but the reason was so lame.

accurate depiction of me @ the romance:


There was also the fact that when Nick was taken in for questioning HE.WOULD.NOT.SHUTUP. Maybe it’s because my dad is in law enforcement or that I want to become either a forensic scientist or lawyer, or it may be the darn fact that I know my rights, but I know not to talk without a lawyer or guardian if I’m being questioned, especially if I am Nick’s age ! ( okay to be fair I do read my Dad’s law dictionary for fun and I watch Law and order and Castle like they are drugs, but this is sooo basic.) Before, Ruby called him to tell him he shouldn’t say anything he was blabbing on about how he was innocent and the detectives were obviously pressuring him to confess. PSA for all who do not know already: You have the right to remain silent ( to be fair they never read him his rights) , sometimes being quiet is better than opening your mouth to assure them you are innocent.

Me @ Nick’s blabbing and lack of knowledge:



Now on to the good stuff!  The story was suspenseful ( not in the Stephen King thriller way but still!) . Me being me, I made conspiracies about who the killer was, but I ended up being wrong ( which is rare by the way) ! Oh, and that twist with Nick’s father, I definitely did not see that coming. I was clutching the book at the end when all the action was going down. I would put this book at a middle grade level. It was a good paced read and I applaud Henry for having all the different pov’s especially the killer’s. I enjoyed the book so much I decided to go hunting for another one of Henry’s books. I ended up picking out “The girl who was supposed to die.” which I finished in in one day and a review of that book along with the others I’ve finished will be up soon.


Summer tbr/ library haul

Hello bookish pals!

I’m reporting straight from my local public library 😅.

I know it’s been awhile, but I wanted to wait until I got my books I was sent to review, but alas they have not arrived. No worries though! I decided you guys  have  been waiting for another post long enough and to make up for lost time I’ve decided to post my summer tbr  . Enjoy!

I’ve been on summer vacation for a solid seven days and I’ve found myself with so much time, but nothing to do with it. Then I remembered that I still had a hell of a lot of books on my shelf that needed to be read so after ten minutes of pulling out books and then putting them back on my shelf, I finally chose the books that intended on reading this summer. It’s not a very long list, but I get distracted easily and I take longer to read books (I like to soak up the details) so I kept it short.

Disclaimer- These are the books I want to finish. This list doesn’t mean I’m not going to read any other book during this break. Heck! I’ve already read like three books that aren’t apart of my tbr pile. So keep that in mind.

The pile-

Shadow and bone by Leigh Bardugo

Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

The kiss of deception by Mary E Pearson

Okay when I made this list I didn’t know that “The kiss of Deception” was going to be so fast paced and turns out “Shadow and bone ” has a fast pace too so of course I need additions to my tbr, but again, remember, these are the books that I was content of finishing by the end of this summer. But please, drop down names of books I need to add because I definitely under estimated how much I could read in one week.

Stay tuned because later today I will be posting my library haul.

P.s I’m still at the library because my dad was my ride home and he hasn’t been answering his phone.



Lana Del Rey book tag!

Hi bookish pals! Today I will be doing the Lana Del Rey book tag that I made awhile ago ( at least I think I made it up). As some of you may have inferred already I love Lana’s music and obviously I love books- so why not mash the two together?! I took six of her songs and I have to pick a book or an author that matches the description of each one. Enjoy!

Black Beauty :  What book/author  has a beautiful writing style, and/or uses aesthetically pleasing wordplay?

For this song I had two authors in mind- Colleen Hoover and Tahereh  Mafi. I have both read and audio booked Ugly love as well as The shatter me series and I found that both these authors have such a poetic writing style. It’s honestly breathtaking sometimes.

shatter me

Black Beauty

Gods and Monsters: Which book/books have/ has a great variety of mystical/ magical  creatures?

For this one, I have to say Daughter of smoke and bone by Laini Taylor. I fell in love with that book almost instantly. Taylor wrapped me in a world filled with not only humans, but angels and demons as well, and it was completely fascinating.


Gods and Monsters

Summertime Sadness: A book that has a sad plot or makes you sad whenever you read it?

I would have to say Wonder and Mocking Bird. They aren’t really “sad” , but they both always make me cry at the end.


Summertime sadness

Once upon a dream: Your favorite Fairy tale retelling?

Since one of my very favorite fairy tales is The story The beauty and the beast,  my favorite fairy tale retelling would have to be A court of thorns and roses by Sarah J Maas. Not only is Sarah my favorite author, but she writes beautiful characters that you just can’t help but fall in love with, and that’s exactly how I felt whilst reading Acotar.


Once Upon a dream

This is what makes us girls: What book has a strong female protagonist? 

This one is a no brainer… Throne of glass series by Sarah J Maas. Celaena and Nehemia are only two (to name a few) strong female characters in this series so far (more books to come). They are both outgoing and stand up for what they believe in .



This is what makes us girls


Dark paradise: A book world that you love. A paradise?

This one isn’t really specific, but since most of my books seem to  take place in this type of environment…. A palace or some type of kingdom. I’ve become so used to my book’s setting being in some castle in some enchanted far away land that I just see that setting as a comfortable one for any book really to take place in. (Castle by Halsey plays in the background as outro music.)


Dark paradise

I hope you enjoyed this post,  check in daily for updates, and if you want me to post a review about any of these books  mentioned just comment down below 🙂

p.s if any of you decide to do this tag I’d love to see it! 🙂

The Winner’s Curse by:Marie Rutkoski REVIEW


Hello Bookish friends! Today I will be giving you a  review of “The Winner’s Curse” by: Marie Rutkoski. Let me start by saying that I gave this book a 4 out of 5 stars. The reason I didn’t give it a full 5 star review is the ending kind of made me contemplate whether or not I should even continue reading ( or in my case, audio-booking) the rest of the trilogy. Don’t get me wrong, Rutkoski’s characters and the world they live in were both beautifully written, but sometimes authors put their characters in an awkward position where in the reader is left confused and slightly annoyed, and that is where I found myself   at the end of the story , but let’s save that for later. Back to the review! A short synopsis of the story: Kestrel and Arin are two of the main characters and the main love interest throughout the book. Their world is ruled by the  Valorians who are the aristocrats of the region. The Valorians had taken over the Herrani’s homes and land much like the Europeans colonized the Americas. Kestrel is the daughter of a respected Valorian general, and Arin the Herrani slave she buys at an auction. Throughout the beginning of the story Kestrel faces one main conflict: Her father wants her to join the army, but she is not very good with weapons or fighting and much rather play her beloved piano, but she is coming of the age where she must either marry or enlist. Arin also has a secret that Kestrel is unaware of.

I don’t know why, but there seems to be  this cliche in Ya dystopian/ fantasy  novels where the main male character  is just a plain jerk in the beginning , but decides to completely  soften up when the book is at it’s climax or when they are in  some difficult situation. Throughout the beginning of the book Arin would guilt trip Kestrel so he could have more freedom to deal with his little ‘business’ outside of being a slave. Oh, but when he pulled his little stunt everything changed. Also can we talk about Ronan. Ronan is the brother of Kestrel’s best friend who also happens to be in love with her, she thinks. Kestrel feels like he is just trying to flatter her, but no, Ronan actually loves her. It was a bit annoying how much he liked her matter of fact. He came off as clingy and was not shy about how he felt about Kestrel. Honestly, I’m not sure how Kestrel was confused on whether or not his feelings were legitimate, he made it pretty clear.

Now that we have the things that irked me about the book out of the way… on to the things I loved!

Rutkoski made sure the reader knew every detail and the history behind  how the Valorians got to power. I could almost feel the pain that the Herrani were going through based on the way the story was told.  She explained how it felt to be oppressed, how it felt to be betrayed, and how guilt felt like all with just her own  words. I  also  had a love/ ‘I kind of want to strangle you.’ relationship with all of her characters, which by the way are my favorite type of relationships I could have with any character. Kestrel is the personification of privilege and what being different feels like. Overall this book pretty much sums up the battle between the minority and their superiors and everything in between .


Bookish pet Peeves/Cliches

Hello bookish pals! We all love reading right? I mean we call ourselves bibliophiles for a reason, but there are just some things in books I– we could do without.  Here are my top ten  bookish pet peeves/cliches.

10. Those female characters that will take just about anything from anyone.

I know , I know. We all get scared sometimes and sometimes we even let ourselves become push overs. Trust me I get it, been there done that, but what I don’t get is how there are some book characters that make it their jobs to get bullied or pushed around. Like, they literally cannot stand up for themselves and whine about like everything. I mean is it too much to ask for a few strong female characters now and then? The thing that irks me the most about these female characters is that it’s usually their male love interest that walks all over them. grow some lady parts will you.

9. Predictable plots

I have a confession… I cannot remember the last time an author has surprised me with a ‘plot twist’. I usually end up making conspiracy theories as early as a few chapters into the book. It’s more disappointing than satisfying when you can completely predict what’s going to happen 40 chapters early.

8. Cover changes

Why? Especially in the middle of a series. Or even better, when the beginning cover was already decent and then the publishers decide to change it into something hideous. Just stop! Please.

7. ‘I let go of the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding’

Why do all Ya characters seem to have a problem with breathing. This line can be found in basically any Ya book and is completely unnecessary. I’m surprised half my favorite characters aren’t dead by now since they seem to have a problem with controlling when they breath.

6. The love interests are always staring at each other… and it’s not creepy??

I don’t know about you guys, but if I just stared at a girl or boy long enough to be able to create a map of the their face, that person would notice and be a little bit creeped out. Not in Ya books though. Apparently it’s a norm to stare at each other for long periods of time.

5. Why is every character 16-21

Is there an unspoken rule that authors have to only make their heroines in the age range of 16-21 , nothing more or less?  Like dang. Maybe an eighty year old woman wants to save the day for once.

4. Naive characters

This character is way to trusting, and is always getting played. They never listen to you when you are screaming at your book for them not to trust someone. They make you want to blue skoodooo into whatever book your’e reading and just slap them.

3. When they deny their love, but then end up making out later on in the book.

That one ship who stay as far away from each other as possible throughout the beginning of the book whilst denying their love for each other, just so they end up having a full on confession/ make out session near the end of the book/series .

2. I just want to be normal

In almost every paranormal or fantasy book there is that basic human girl who get’s herself mixed up with aliens or vampires. That same said girl also ends up catching the eye of the hunk of the supernatural pack. Instead of taking this opportunity she decides to go for someone ‘more like her’ who usually ends up betraying her or was using her the whole time.

1. Love. Triangles.

There are not that many love triangles in real life so I don’t understand why there are so many in Ya. Why can’t there be just one love interest? Instead we end up having some love Dodecahedron .