Bookish pet Peeves/Cliches

Hello bookish pals! We all love reading right? I mean we call ourselves bibliophiles for a reason, but there are just some things in books I– we could do without.  Here are my top ten  bookish pet peeves/cliches.

10. Those female characters that will take just about anything from anyone.

I know , I know. We all get scared sometimes and sometimes we even let ourselves become push overs. Trust me I get it, been there done that, but what I don’t get is how there are some book characters that make it their jobs to get bullied or pushed around. Like, they literally cannot stand up for themselves and whine about like everything. I mean is it too much to ask for a few strong female characters now and then? The thing that irks me the most about these female characters is that it’s usually their male love interest that walks all over them. grow some lady parts will you.

9. Predictable plots

I have a confession… I cannot remember the last time an author has surprised me with a ‘plot twist’. I usually end up making conspiracy theories as early as a few chapters into the book. It’s more disappointing than satisfying when you can completely predict what’s going to happen 40 chapters early.

8. Cover changes

Why? Especially in the middle of a series. Or even better, when the beginning cover was already decent and then the publishers decide to change it into something hideous. Just stop! Please.

7. ‘I let go of the breath I didn’t realize I had been holding’

Why do all Ya characters seem to have a problem with breathing. This line can be found in basically any Ya book and is completely unnecessary. I’m surprised half my favorite characters aren’t dead by now since they seem to have a problem with controlling when they breath.

6. The love interests are always staring at each other… and it’s not creepy??

I don’t know about you guys, but if I just stared at a girl or boy long enough to be able to create a map of the their face, that person would notice and be a little bit creeped out. Not in Ya books though. Apparently it’s a norm to stare at each other for long periods of time.

5. Why is every character 16-21

Is there an unspoken rule that authors have to only make their heroines in the age range of 16-21 , nothing more or less?  Like dang. Maybe an eighty year old woman wants to save the day for once.

4. Naive characters

This character is way to trusting, and is always getting played. They never listen to you when you are screaming at your book for them not to trust someone. They make you want to blue skoodooo into whatever book your’e reading and just slap them.

3. When they deny their love, but then end up making out later on in the book.

That one ship who stay as far away from each other as possible throughout the beginning of the book whilst denying their love for each other, just so they end up having a full on confession/ make out session near the end of the book/series .

2. I just want to be normal

In almost every paranormal or fantasy book there is that basic human girl who get’s herself mixed up with aliens or vampires. That same said girl also ends up catching the eye of the hunk of the supernatural pack. Instead of taking this opportunity she decides to go for someone ‘more like her’ who usually ends up betraying her or was using her the whole time.

1. Love. Triangles.

There are not that many love triangles in real life so I don’t understand why there are so many in Ya. Why can’t there be just one love interest? Instead we end up having some love Dodecahedron .


As my blog name states: I am a teenager who enjoys books! I hope you will love my reviews, discussions, and overall book related posts.

2 thoughts on “Bookish pet Peeves/Cliches

  1. We agree on so many things. I always guess the plots, however, have you read mistborn, didn’t see that coming, which was a nice change. I also bookmark every time I see number 7 just to prove to people that it exists in every YA book. I hate love triangle, I hate love hate relationship, I don’t like angst in general. I usually pick one person and decide that they’re the only one.

    However, I think everyone is 16-21 because it allows development, I come to the conclusion because I did drama and created characters but I can understand how it’s excessive sometimes. But I don’t mind the MC being that age range as long as there are older characters to give them perspective.


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