Fan girl gifs that are similar to Gifs that describe your school experience .

Hello bookish pals!

For many, school is right around the corner.

For others school has already started.

Here are some Gif’s/ memes that don’t only perfectly describe your fan girl experience, but also describe your school year experience.

Here we go!

(p.s this list is for all the petty people out there lol)


When someone you don’t like tries to talk to you/ When someone tries to talk to you while you are reading :

There is nothing more annoying than  when someone you don’t like tries to  initiate in a conversation with you . Even worse is when someone interrupts you while you are obviously occupied with a book. Especially since books are basically ‘Do not disturb signs’ .


When someone reminds the teacher of the homework they forgot about/when someone reminds you the next book isn’t coming out until next year:

Nuff said.


When you hear that the teacher  you don’t like get’s an injury and will be out for a week or two/ when your least fave character dies:

Let’s face it, sometimes we just can’t help being sarcastic when something bad happens to the ones we least like.


When someone says something ignorant in class/ when people who haven’t read the book act like they know it all because they watched the movie:

Know it all’s are bad enough. Know it all’s who actually don’t know anything? Are the worst.


“Take out your summer assignments”/ when the author throws in a plot twist at the end of the book:

Surprises are not my favorite things in the world.


When the teacher calls on you when you weren’t even raising your hand/ when you are looking through the comment section  and see a spoiler you weren’t prepared f0r:

This image says it all.

Remember that thing I said about surprises?


‘Can I get some gum?’/ ‘Can I borrow that book?’:

No. Just no.


When upperclassmen act all tough/ when a veteran to the fandom looks down on newbies:

Why, just why?

Just mind your own business and go on with your lives. Don’t have to be mean just because someone is less experienced than you. Plus you don’t look cool, you just look like a jerk. Remember you were once ‘fresh meat’ too.


Waiting for someone  to answer a question after an eternity/  Waiting for your fave author to finally publish the next book after like 5 years:

Especially when the teacher won’t let anyone but that person answer the question./ Especially when the last book ended in a cliff hanger. #Fml


“I don’t like that attitude young lady”/ “I don’t like the way your bookshelf is organized, I’d like it better if it was organized by color.”

So tell me… where did I ask?

(p.s this is my fave GiF ever because I make this expression a lot.)


When a huge argument breaks out in class/ when there is booktube drama :

Just sit back. Relax. And be the best instigator you possibly can be.


When you had to play those Unnecessary “Get to know each other” ( Head ahh) games on the first day of school:

I know this isn’t  a comparison, but I know we all  hated those ridiculous games. Like, I already know half of these demonic sorcer- er I mean people. I already know ‘three interesting things’ about Johnny. Dang.

( Joke for you: The only type of Pokémon you can catch in the hallway at school is Ekans. {Look it up})


that’s all folks!

Leave a comment down below saying what you hate about school or your fan girl experiences.